Picking weightlifting exercises is where people can get stuck. Anyone can build and buy a program. The most important things in my opinion are focusing on the mind muscle connection, working on progressive overload, and enjoying what you’re doing.
You may be asking yourself, “How do I know how many reps to do?“. This relies on a few factors, but the main factor is what your goal is. If you are wanting to gain strength, you should be working 2-6 reps. Hypertrophy is 6-12 reps. Endurance is 12+ reps per set of exercises.
You can also buy workout programs from people. I would suggest always doing your research on who you are buying these programs for. My favorite coach is Hannah Bower. I have her core guide. I bought the core guide over 4 years ago. This has helped me pre-pregnancy, during pregnancy, and postpartum.